MIDI CC # | MIDI CC Name | MIDI Pa4X Function |
MIDI CC 0 | Bank Select | Sound selection |
MIDI CC 1 | Modulation 1 (Y+) | Joystick forward |
MIDI CC 2 | Modulation 2 (Y-) | Joystick backward |
MIDI CC 3 | Undefined controller | |
MIDI CC 4 | Foot Controller | |
MIDI CC 5 | Portamento Time | |
MIDI CC 6 | Data Entry Most Significant Bit(MSB) | Controls Value for NRPN or RPN parameters. |
MIDI CC 7 | Volume | Track volume of the channel |
MIDI CC 8 | Balance | Controls the left and right balance. 0 = hard left, 64 = center, 127 = hard right |
MIDI CC 9 | Undefined controller | |
MIDI CC 10 | Pan | Controls the left and right Track panning. 0 = hard left, 64 = center, 127 = hard right |
MIDI CC 11 | Expression | Track Expression |
MIDI CC 12 | FX controller 1 | CC#12 |
MIDI CC 13 | FX controller 2 | CC#13 |
MIDI CC 14 | Undefined controller | |
MIDI CC 15 | Undefined controller | |
MIDI CC 16 | General Purpose 1 | |
MIDI CC 17 | General Purpose 2 | |
MIDI CC 18 | Slider | |
MIDI CC 19 | General Purpose 4 | |
MIDI CC 20 – 31 | Undefined controllers | |
MIDI CC 32 – 63 | Controller 0-31 Least Significant Bit (LSB) | Control Change #32-63 are the LSB (Least Significant Bytet) of Control Change #0-31, i.e. the MSB (Most Significant Byte), and are changed according to their MSB counterparts. |
MIDI CC 64 | Damper Pedal /Sustain Pedal | On/Off switch that controls sustain. 0 to 63 = Off, 64 to 127 = On |
MIDI CC 65 | Portamento On/Off Switch | On/Off switch 0 to 63 = Off, 64 to 127 = On |
MIDI CC 66 | Sostenuto On/Off Switch | On/Off switch – Like the Sustain controller (CC 64), However it only holds notes that were “On” when the pedal was pressed. People use it to “hold” chords” and play melodies over the held chord. 0 to 63 = Off, 64 to 127 = On |
MIDI CC 67 | Soft Pedal On/Off Switch | On/Off switch - Lowers the volume of notes played. 0 to 63 = Off, 64 to 127 = On |
MIDI CC 68 | Legato FootSwitch | On/Off switch - Turns Legato effect between 2 subsequent notes On or Off. 0 to 63 = Off, 64 to 127 = On |
MIDI CC 69 | Hold 2 | Another way to “hold notes” (see MIDI CC 64 and MIDI CC 66). However notes fade out according to their release parameter rather than when the pedal is released. |
MIDI CC 70 | Sustain level | |
MIDI CC 71 | Filter Resonance Hp | Filter resonance |
MIDI CC 72 | Release | Release time |
MIDI CC 73 | Attack | Attack time |
MIDI CC 74 | Filter cutoff | Filter cutoff (Brilliance) |
MIDI CC 75 | Decay Time | Decay time |
MIDI CC 76 | Lfo1 Speed | Vibrato speed |
MIDI CC 77 | Lfo1 Dpt | Vibrato depth |
MIDI CC 78 | Lfo1 Dly | Vibrato initial delay |
MIDI CC 79 | FilterEgþ | |
MIDI CC 80 | General Purpose 5 | Sound Controller 1 |
MIDI CC 81 | General Purpose 6 | Sound Controller 2 |
MIDI CC 82 | General Purpose 7 | |
MIDI CC 83 | General Purpose 8 | |
MIDI CC 84 | Portamento CC Control | Controls the amount of Portamento. |
MIDI CC 85 – 90 | Undefined controllers | |
MIDI CC 91 | FX 1 depth | A/B Master FX 1 (reverb) send level |
MIDI CC 92 | FX 2 controller | |
MIDI CC 93 | FX 3 depth | A/B Master FX 2 (modul.) send level |
MIDI CC 94 | FX 4 controller | |
MIDI CC 95 | FX 5 controller | |
MIDI CC 96 | (+1) Data Increment | Usually used to increment data for RPN and NRPN messages. |
MIDI CC 97 | (-1) Data Decrement | Usually used to decrement data for RPN and NRPN messages. |
MIDI CC 98 | NRPN LSB | See table below(*) |
MIDI CC 99 | NRPN MSB* | See table below(*) |
MIDI CC 100 | RPN LSB | See MIDI Implementation Chart |
MIDI CC 101 | RPN MSB | See MIDI Implementation Chart |
MIDI CC 102 – 119 | Undefined controllers | |
MIDI CC 120 | All Sound Off | Mutes all sounding notes. It does so regardless of release time or sustain. (See MIDI CC 123) |
MIDI CC 121 | Reset All Controllers | It will reset all controllers to their default. |
MIDI CC 122 | Local On/Off Switch | Turns internal connection of a MIDI keyboard/workstation, etc. On or Off. |
MIDI CC 123 | All Notes Off | Mutes all sounding notes. Release time will still be maintained, and notes held by sustain will not turn off until sustain pedal is depressed. |
MIDI CC 124 | Omni Mode Off | Sets to “Omni Off” mode. |
MIDI CC 125 | Omni Mode On | Sets to “Omni On” mode. |
MIDI CC 126 | Mono Mode | Sets device mode to Monophonic. |
MIDI CC 127 | Poly Mode | Sets device mode to Polyphonic. |
NRPN | CC#99 (MSB) | CC#98 (LSB) | CC#06 (Data Entry) |
Vibrato Rate | 1 | 8 | 0…127 |
Vibrato Depth | 1 | 9 | 0…127(a) |
Vibrato Decay | 1 | 10 | 0…127(a) |
Filter Cutoff | 1 | 32 | 0…127(a) |
Resonance | 1 | 33 | 0…127(a) |
EG Attack Time | 1 | 99 | 0…127(a) |
EG Decay Time | 1 | 100 | 0…127(a) |
EG Release Time | 1 | 102 | 0…127(a) |
Drum Filter Cutoff | 20 | dd | 0…127(a) |
Drum Filter Resonance | 21 | dd(b) | 0…127(a) |
Drum EG Attack Time | 22 | dd(b) | 0…127(a) |
Drum EG Decay Time | 23 | dd(b) | 0…127(a) |
Drum Coarse Tune | 24 | dd(b) | 0…127(a) |
Drum Fine Tune | 25 | dd(b) | 0…127(a) |
Drum Volume | 26 | dd(b) | 0…127 |
Drum Panpot | 28 | dd(b) | 0…127(a) |
Drum Rev Send (FX 1) | 29 | dd(b) | 0…127(a) |
Drum Mod Send (FX 2) | 30 | dd(b) | 0…127(a) |
(a). 64 = No change to the original parameter’s value (b). dd = Drum Instrument No. 0…127 (C0…C8) |
(*) The following NRPN messages are recognized in Style Play and Song Play mode only.
NRPN | CC#99 (MSB) | CC#98 (LSB) | CC#06 (Data Entry) | CC#38 (Data Entry) |
SongBook Entry | 2 | 64 | 0...99 | 0...99 |
***All Based on Korg Pa4x User Manual downloaded from here.