*FCB1010 has range of Program Change 1-128, in many keyboards including Korg Pa range is 0-127, means when you program you need adjust this, .. add +1 to value, example: if you wanna control PC#103 (Start/Stop), then on FCB1010 need to be 104 value (103+1).
*Note value is set as number (0-127), number 0 is for note C2, number 127 for note G8.
**If you like control something is requited come back to previous value (reset), you have to use some combination to make works.
*every time you press another button, is different independent setting, if you want to keep same setup on entire bank, you need to set on all 10 buttons same.
MIDI IN is midi port for incoming connection to device, use in FCB1010 to receive System Exclusive messages ( SySex ) with setup configuration.
MIDI IN can be use as Input extra Midi device as Daisy Chain, signal form MIDI IN is bypass to MIDI THRU.
MIDI OUT/THRU is midi port for outgoing messages, in programming mode can send SySex to PC editor.
In normal mode is sending from this port is sending all messages, means have to be connect to controlled device MIDI IN port.
Same port is use to bypass second device.
If you using MIDI THRU you need careful setup Channels for devices, because port working as merge Midi, all messages from both devices is sending without any filter, is not recommended use same Channel for both devices, unless they control different PC# or CC#.
Those are 2 independent relay-controlled switches for 1/4 inch TS jacks.
Can be use wherever instrument support sustain kind pedals.
Default they are open and works as momentary switches, but if you in DIRECT SELECT enable mode can also be use as latch switches.
Buttons 1 to 10/0 are in working mode to activate preset #(1-10), all names labeled on them is only mean something when you in programming mode.
In DIRECT SELECT enable mode also to choose banks.
Is 2 way of program this Foot Controller.
If you want to use software, which is faster and easily you will need Midi cables, Midi PC interface and free editor.
You can download software and read instruction how to you from here.
Programming directly on board is easy, but a little bit tricky on beginning.
I like to explain this simple is possible.
Is very important before you start fully understand how this works, what is possible, what's not.
I suggest do before some flow chart, determinate what and on what channel you want to control, is gonna be more effective when you know exactly.
Click here to see sample of chart you can use.
FCB1010 mainly have to work mode, you can use 10 banks with 10 preset each or you can use DIRECT SELECT mode, which is complete different in real application.
The main different is in DIRECT SELECT mode you don't have 10 banks, you access matrix, means for each preset you need to press 2 buttons, first bank#, then preset.
Example: is DIRECT SELECT disable you changing Bank and you got access to 10 presets by single press, but if DIRECT SELECT is enable you to access 3-rd preset from bank 2, you press button 2(bank) and 3(preset), then even if next needed preset is in same bank (2) you still need press first bank#, then preset#.
I will explain more in DIRECT SELECT enable section.